Having a basemap of some description is an essential feature for most mapping applications as it provides reference, location, and can aid in interpretation. Being able to instantly flip between a half-dozen or more imagery types (aerial, topo, geology, lidar hillshade, etc.) greatly extends this ability to interpret while in the field.
FieldMove offers three "built-in" online basemap options selectable from its Layer menu (satellite, road, and terrain maps derived from OpenStreet Map). Field sites rarely have WIFI, which leaves you two options:
The easy (but limited) way. If these three layer options are sufficient for your mapping needs and the field area is not overly large, you can temporarily "cache" the imagery to the iPad's internal memory. Think of the cache as a rolling temporary memory- once the cache limit is reached the most recently viewed imagery overwrites the older imagery. Google Earth and most web browsers operate similarly. To cache imagery you should zoom on the map to the maximum imagery quality that you desire. Once the imagery for this area is loaded (clearly visible), move to the adjacent area and let that load. Repeat this until you have covered the entire field area. Repeat this procedure with the other imagery types for the same area if desired. Then double-check that when you turn off the WIFI the imagery is still visible (this indicates it is temporarily stored, and will remain stored until you clear the cache or overwrite it by loading other areas after). Note in FieldMove's Settings menu there are relevant options for basemap loading and cache resetting. I usually make sure caching imagery is the last thing I do before heading to the field and then leave my iPad on Airplane Mode.
This method works great as a "quick-and-dirty" option, requiring little time or setup!
The harder (but more empowering) way. Arguably one of the most important features of FieldMove is the ability to import your own basemaps. For the iOS case described here this means using iTunes as the bridge between your computer and iPad. Note that FieldMove does not currently support vector-based file types for import. Two raster-based file types are supported for importing, GeoTIFF and MBTiles.
- GeoTIFF: GeoTIFF is a fairly standard file format which can be read by most GIS software packages including ArcGIS and Google Earth Pro. It is essentially a TIFF image file with georeferencing information embedded in it (projection, coordinate system, extent, etc.). These files are typically easy to generate (e.g. in ArcGIS). A key disadvantage of this file format is the often large file size for map areas and the fact that FieldMove will try to load the entire file at once (not just the portion visible in the current map view). This can lead to slow basemaps load times, especially initially. I would not recommend importing GeoTIFF files larger than about 350MB each.
- MBTiles: MBTiles is the preferred file format, though in some cases may require an additional step to prepare (such as converting from a GeoTIFF file). As the name suggests, this single file is actually a database of smaller raster images that are referenced to each other according to a tiled mosaic. This file structure allows you to customize what is visible at different map scales to ensure the best balance of resolution vs. file size, detail vs. clarity. Many web-based map applications use MBTiles for its efficiency such as Google Maps (with slow internet connections you will see the map area load square by square). The advantage of this file format is that only the imagery within the current map view is loaded (and at the appropriate scale), making for much more efficient basemap loading in FieldMove.
MBTiles work off the principal of a map zoom level, which is defined by the width a 256 pixel wide map is in degrees longitude. A tile is a square raster image 256 pixels by 256 pixels. Notice the steep climb of the number of tiles as zoom level grows (and file size correspondingly). Although this means the pixels per meter depend on latitude and the map scale depends on the pixel size/density of the viewing screen. Some generalizations based on maps centered on the equator are provided in the table below. CalTopo supports exporting images to zoom level 16. FieldMove and Move software support basemaps to zoom level 20. It will depend on the type of mapping and applications you require, but generally zoom levels 16-18 work well.
- GeoTIFF: GeoTIFF is a fairly standard file format which can be read by most GIS software packages including ArcGIS and Google Earth Pro. It is essentially a TIFF image file with georeferencing information embedded in it (projection, coordinate system, extent, etc.). These files are typically easy to generate (e.g. in ArcGIS). A key disadvantage of this file format is the often large file size for map areas and the fact that FieldMove will try to load the entire file at once (not just the portion visible in the current map view). This can lead to slow basemaps load times, especially initially. I would not recommend importing GeoTIFF files larger than about 350MB each.
Level |
Degree |
Area |
Pixel Size (m) |
~Scale |
# Tiles |
0 |
360 |
whole world |
156,412 |
1:500 million |
1 |
1 |
180 |
78,206 |
1:250 million |
4 |
2 |
90 |
39,103 |
1:150 million |
16 |
3 |
45 |
19,551 |
1:70 million |
64 |
4 |
22.5 |
9,776 |
1:35 million |
256 |
5 |
11.25 |
4,888 |
1:15 million |
1,024 |
6 |
5.625 |
2,444 |
1:10 million |
4,096 |
7 |
2.813 |
1,222 |
1:4 million |
16,384 |
8 |
1.406 |
610.984 |
1:2 million |
65,536 |
9 |
0.703 |
wide area |
305.492 |
1:1 million |
262,144 |
10 |
0.352 |
152.746 |
1:500,000 |
1,048,576 |
11 |
0.176 |
area |
76.373 |
1:250,000 |
4,194,304 |
12 |
0.088 |
38.187 |
1:150,000 |
16,777,216 |
13 |
0.044 |
village or town |
19.093 |
1:70,000 |
67,108,864 |
14 |
0.022 |
9.547 |
1:35,000 |
268,435,456 |
15 |
0.011 |
4.773 |
1:15,000 |
1,073,741,824 |
16 |
0.005 |
small road |
2.387 |
1:8,000 |
4,294,967,296 |
17 |
0.003 |
1.193 |
1:4,000 |
17,179,869,184 |
18 |
0.001 |
0.596 |
1:2,000 |
68,719,476,736 |
19 |
0.0005 |
airborne lidar |
0.298 |
1:1,000 |
274,877,906,944 |
20 | 0.0003 | 0.149 | 1:500 | 1,099,511,627,776 |
Sources for different types of basemap imagery are discussed, followed by steps to import the basemaps into the FieldMove app on the iPad.
This is divided into three sections. (1) Georeferenced map sources that are good to go (other than possibly file type conversion). (2) Unreferenced image sources that will require you to manually add georeferencing for use. (3) Bridging software such as ArcMap, TileMill, Move that allow you to georeference images, layer data, and/or convert their file type to GeoTIFF or MBTiles.
Georeferenced Map Sources
CalTopo is an invaluable (free, account recommended) online GIS, which compiles many excellent basemaps and has functionality to efficiently export to the MBTiles format. In my opinion CalTopo is one of the more user-friendly, and underappreciated resources on this list (hence my longer explanation). Although beyond the basemap discussion here, CalTopo allows you to build your own maps online, import/export/create point, line, and polygon data, collaboratively edit maps, and offers many analytical features (measuring tool, create a viewshed, create a profile view, calculate sun exposure, and calculate terrain statistics for a selected area). Really quite incredible features for a free homegrown piece of work and I highly recommend exploring CalTopo's many capabilities! For frequent users I recommend a Pro account, highly worthwhile at $50/yr. Among other features you can export much larger areas as MBTiles.
Coverage types include shaded USGS topographic maps, satellite orthophotos, shaded relief (hillshade), road maps, historic maps, and terrain maps, and include the ability to overlay contours, slope shading, land management data, fire history data, as well as current weather, water, and snow data. Coverage areas are typically complete across the United States, with some data (topo, etc.) available for Canada and New Zealand. Google layers will work globally.
Due to licensing restrictions it is not possible to export Google or SNOTEL layers, but all others can readily be exported to MBTiles format. This process is walked through below:
Setup. Navigate and zoom to desired field area. Select the desired layer or combination of layers from the left column or drop down menu in the top right corner (mouse over text there, click on text right of "Base Layer" to select, add additional layers as desired, select checkboxes below as needed.
Export. Once you have the desired basemap in view (+/- overlaid data), mouseover "Print" from the top toolbar and then click on "Download KMZ or MBTiles File". This opens a new window or tab in your browser which should have a red rectangle with arrows in the corner (export area). Click-and-drag an arrow on the corner of the rectangle to adjust the area to be exported. Notice because of the tiled nature of the data you may have to download a slightly larger area than targeted for full coverage. On the left size is an option to select the desired target zoom. The highest export option is likely to be "16 1:12k", which is what I would select unless I am worried about file size. When ready, click on "Download MBTiles" to have Caltopo prepare to download the file to your computer. Once downloaded I would recommend immediately renaming the file something meaningful so you can distinguish it from other files you create (e.g. Hill40ftContUCRcampus.mbtiles; you cannot rename them once they are sent to the iPad).
* Hint: If you want to make the map area clear to students and avoid them walking out of it, add a polygon defining the map area before exporting. -
Import. Use directions below to import the created MBTiles file(s) into the FieldMove directory via iTunes.
OpenTopography (free, account recommended) specializes in access to high resolution topographic data, especially publicly-funded airborne lidar data. In addition to raw point cloud data download (for advanced users), there is functionality to have OpenTopography process KML (Google Earth) and GeoTIFF files for you. Current high resolution coverage is mostly limited to specific areas in the United States, but global 90m Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data is also available. The site also features excellent tools and tutorials to support topographic analysis.
Koordinates (free, account required) is a useful clearinghouse for geospatial data. New Zealand, United States, Canada, and Australia are best represented but new data seems to be added all the time. Vector datasets will need to be converted to raster using a different program.
EarthExplorer (free, account required) is USGS's main search and download system for orthophotos, elevation data, land cover data, and diverse satellite imagery. If you know exactly what it is you are looking for (or have the time to browse), this is a good way to get it. In most cases it will be left up to you to convert the data to a GeoTIFF or MBTile.
The National Map
The National Map (free, account required) is USGS's outlet for topographic data (specifically as USGS topographic maps and elevation data). In most cases you will need to convert the data after download.
TopoView (free, no account required) is yet another USGS outlet for topographic maps. I have found their server to be rather slow at times, but otherwise it has an excellent interface for searching an area for published USGS topographic maps of different ages. It offers the option to download all maps in a GeoTIFF file format. Since the file sizes are relatively small (10-20MB) you do not really even need to convert them to MBTiles. Easy!
Unreferenced Map Sources
*** This is an incomplete list and only contains a few of my favorites. Email me if you think something should be added!
MapView (free, no account needed) is USGS's admirable attempt to create a United States-wide mosaic of geologic maps with an underlying catalog of geologic map-related resources. This veritable hodgepodge displays a single geologic map image for everywhere in the U.S. I have found most of the maps in view (at least in areas I am interested in) are not readily downloadable and are not the most up to date geologic maps available. Clicking on the "List Pubs in View" tool opens up a handy reference list of resources relevant to that area and includes links to downloads and GIS data where available. Often I will resort to screen grabbing an image (PrtScn) and then crudely georeferencing the cropped image in ArcGIS, which is certainly better than nothing.
More Info:
Google Earth Pro
Google Earth Pro (free!) is rather restrictive when it comes to directly exporting georeferenced aerial imagery (likely related to the varied data sources), but there is a manual workaround to utilize its high resolution imagery. First go to "Tools>Options" and then set the Elevation Exaggeration to its minimum (0.01). Be sure your view is vertical and N is up. Click on the Time Slider icon to flip through the available imagery and select the one that is the best for your purpose. "File>Save>Save Image" opens up image exporting options. Uncheck all the overlays and set resolution to Maximum (4800 x 2916 pixels). If you need to cover a larger area then use the arrow keys to scroll and collect adjacent images in a grid pattern. You can then stitch these into one large image in Photoshop or similar photo-stitching software and then manually georeference the image in ArcMap. There are third party programs and scripts to automate this process, but none I have yet found worth the trouble or expense.
ArcGIS Earth
ArcGIS Earth (free!) is ESRI's Google Earth knockoff. This is a relatively new offering (born 2016) that I admittedly have only played around with a little, but is worth the download and keeping an eye on as active development continues. So far I have found it to be faster and more stable than Google Earth (but less featured). It's handy for quick viewing of KMZ files and its ability to readily import your own terrain meshes. The licensed ESRI imagery in many cases is different than Google's so it's worth checking both.
Map Layer Preparation & Conversion Software
*** Here I use the term "bridging software" to describe programs that allow preparation and export of map layers from raw sources to the georeferenced file formats accepted by FieldMove (GeoTIFF, MBTiles).
There are plenty of other full-featured desktop GIS programs including open source GRASS GIS and QGIS that could easily be utilized instead for basemap preparation.
Caltopo (described above) is quite handy in that it allows you to import GPX (Garmin GPS file) or KML (Google Earth) files (both vector-based). You can overlay this data (plus easily create new points, paths and polygons in CalTopo), then underlay it with a selection of their imagery and data, then export all these layers together as a MBTiles file. This will rasterize the vector data which will pixelate the view, but this is still a convenient option. Zoom levels up to 16 (1:12,000; 2.4m pixels) are supported.
Move (free with academic license) is Midland Valley's core application of its full featured 3D geologic software suite designed for geoscientists and engineers. It is capable of loading many geospatial file types and exporting as MBTiles files as well as georeferencing images without geospatial information. Zoom levels to 20 (1:564; 0.15m pixels) are supported. You will need to create an account, request a one-year academic license, and sign an agreement. This program gives maximum functionality to project data exported from FieldMove (kinematic analysis, cross sections, etc.) so is worth exploring.
Exporting to MBTiles:
TileMill (free!, replaced by more extensive MapBox Studio) is a lightweight program capable of importing CSV, ESRI shapefile, KML, and GeoTIFF files (among others) and exporting them as MBTiles. Abbreviated workflow: Create a New Project, click Layer symbol in bottom left, import file(s) using Add Layer, click Export>MBTiles in top right, select desired area to export/filename/zoom levels/etc., Export! Exporting can take a while depending on file size. Not too shabby.
ArcMap ($$) is the main desktop mapping program of ESRI's ArcGIS software package and is a whole world unto itself. A full description is beyond the scope of this webpage but it accepts a wide variety of file types, allows data manipulation and exporting as a GeoTIFF. Currently it cannot directly export MBTiles. I use ArcMap to manually georeference geologic maps or aerial photos and then export as GeoTIFFs.
ESRI Tutorial:
Texas A&M University Library Tutorial:
Web Map Academy:
Importing Basemaps to FieldMove
Click on the link below to download Midland Valley's guide to preparing and importing basemaps. Notice this includes an explanation of how to import into Android and Windows devices as well as iOS. For iPads, a device with iTunes must be used to transfer basemap data. (1) Connect the iPad to the computer and open iTunes. (2) Click on the symbol in the top left menu area denoting the iPad. Click on the "Apps" menu on the left sidebar. The screen that comes up is confusing as it has three separate scroll windows. Click and drag the far right scroll bar until the second heading "File Sharing" is visible. Within the "Apps" list you should see "FieldMove". Click on it to open the folder for "FieldMove Documents". (3) Drag-and-drop your GeoTIFF and/or MBTiles files into this root folder (alternatively you can use the "Add File" button at the bottom of the window. You should see a status bar at the top of the iTunes window showing progress. When the bar is gone and replaced by the Apple logo the transfer is complete. When you are done, "eject" the iPad using the eject symbol in the left menu. (4) The final step is to open FieldMove on the iPad, go to the desired project, and then click "Import" under the Layer menu. If all went well you should see a prompt that it loaded successfully.
Midland Valley's overview guide: